Source-Code: SmartTag Batteryless

1,00 $

Please note that Lummico Sp. z o.o. will verify your source code download request and reserves a right to refuse its delivery. By buying this virtual product you accept the end-user terms of use (more info further). The cost of 1.00 USD is the price for the verification procedure and is not refundable.



Below you can find the most important provisions of the end-user license agreement. Once your Source Code request has been verified positive and you have received the Code, you are obligated to obey them as you have accepted during the checkout.

You are allowed to:

  • Edit and modify the Source Code in order to create your own applications as long as it is designed to work with no other ePaper modules than the Lummico SmartTags
  • Share the Source Code within your organization providing that adequate safety measures are taken against the Source Code leakage

You are obligated to:

  • Mention the Source Code author within your application. The “Powered by Lummico” text is required within every application using Lummico technology. The mention has to be easily accessible and clearly visible. It can be placed at the bottom of the app’s main screen or the app’s loading screen. If you have any doubts about the text placement, size, and readability, please always contact Lummico for verification. If this rule is not met, the Lummico Sp. z o.o. can request the application to be withdrawn and assert its rights under international law
  • Take adequate safety measures against the Source Code leakage

You are not allowed to:

  • Share the Source Code or its parts outside of your organization
  • Sell, transmit, host, or otherwise commercially exploit the Source Code
  • Reverse engineer Lummico products
  • Use Lummico Source Code or its name and logos in a way that could expose the company to loss of good image
  • Create applications based on the Lummico Source Code that are in the Russian language or dedicated to the Russian market
  • You are not allowed to resell, transmit, host, or deliver any of the Lummico or Lummico-based Products to the Russian market

With the positive verification and the Source Code delivery, you do not acquire any rights to the Source Code. Lummico sp. z o.o. remains the only owner of the Code property and intellectual rights.


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